Insurance companies have gotten more aggressive in recent years in trying to limit the money that they pay out on automobile injury claims.
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Relocation Child Custody
One of the more difficult cases that lawyers and judges face in the realm of family law is the relocation case.
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Motions for Modification Based on Increased Income
Once a marriage is dissolved, that does not necessarily mean that the court case is over.
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Pathways System
The Covid 19 pandemic wreaked havoc on Connecticut’s family court system.
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Distribution of Pension / Retirement Funds
Pension Benefits and retirements funds are considered the personal property of the owner.
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Double or Treble Damages
In an automobile collision case, you must establish that the person whose car collided with yours was negligent in operating his vehicle, and that this negligence caused the collision.
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Collecting Amounts Owed for Support
Once you have been to court and received an order of support such as for child support or alimony, or received an order for the return of certain property, the next question becomes how do you insure that you will receive these funds.